How to Build Apps & Software Without Coding: A Simple Guide

I wanted to create a guide on no-code tools and what you can build with them since I’ve been working in this area for a few years.

Many non-technical founders want to build a SaaS business or web app but lack the technical skills to bring their ideas to life. Nowadays, you can create powerful apps without writing any code using no-code tools.

While you do need to learn how to use these tools and understand the logic behind building, it’s much easier and faster than traditional coding.

What Is No-Code?

No-code tools are like visual builders for creating apps. Instead of writing code, you use pre-built components and logic. You can design and develop your app or product without dealing with complex syntax and functions. This approach has two major benefits:

1. Lower Barrier to Entry: You don’t need formal coding education. Once you master the tool and its logic, you can start building.
2. Faster Development: Creating apps is much quicker than traditional coding. What might take months with coding can be done in weeks using no-code tools like Bubble or FlutterFlow.

This speed is crucial if you want to validate your product idea without investing too much time or money. You can create a minimum viable product (MVP) quickly and see if there’s demand. This way, you avoid spending tens of thousands on a polished web app from a developer without first testing your idea.

Backend vs Frontend with No-Code Tools


The backend of your app, which includes the building blocks that make it function, is handled through workflows and logic in most no-code app builders. You drag and drop pre-built logic components and connect events visually. The tool then converts this into code for you. For example, you can set up a workflow like “when a button gets clicked -> something happens.”


The frontend, or the visual design of your app, is also managed through no-code tools. Most no-code app builders are full-stack, meaning they let you work on both the frontend and backend. For frontend design, tools like Figma and Webflow specialize in visual design. They allow you to drag and drop visual elements onto your canvas without writing any CSS code. You can easily build and modify the layout of your designs directly through these no-code tools.

App Builders (Web and Mobile) is a top-notch full-stack no-code app builder. It lets you build both the frontend and backend of your app without writing any code. Bubble is widely popular, and the possibilities are endless with what you can create.

Community Support: Bubble has a huge community where you can find answers to your questions on their forum. The developers and even the founder are accessible, and there’s a showcase to see examples of what’s possible.
Funding Success: Many no-code apps built on Bubble have raised significant funding. There are also plenty of bootstrapped businesses making over $10M ARR using Bubble.
Web Apps Only: Currently, Bubble is for web apps only, but they are working on native mobile app support.

Bubble Use Cases: You can use Bubble to create MVPs, test software ideas, or build full-fledged web apps. From B2C apps like dating and streaming sites to B2B apps like enterprise-level SaaS products, Bubble can handle it all.


If Bubble is the go-to for web apps, FlutterFlow is the go-to for native mobile apps. It’s an extremely powerful no-code tool for mobile app development, with robust frontend and backend capabilities.

Ease of Use: FlutterFlow is intuitive and powerful, making it easy to create most functionalities needed for mobile apps.
Database Integration: Unlike Bubble, FlutterFlow requires you to integrate an external database like Firebase or Supabase. This can have a steeper learning curve since it’s done outside the platform.

FlutterFlow Use Cases: Anything related to mobile apps. You can build almost any native mobile app on FlutterFlow.

Glide Apps

Glide is a fantastic beginner-friendly tool for quickly building mobile apps. While it’s less technical than Bubble and FlutterFlow, it excels in speed of development. You can create impressive mobile apps in just a few hours, focusing mainly on the backend.

Limited Design Options: Glide has fewer frontend design elements, making it best for quick MVPs or internal tools. It’s great for creating custom apps for organizational use, such as productivity or task-tracking tools.

Important Differences to Consider

Debugging: Bubble has its own debugger that helps identify issues while running your app. FlutterFlow makes debugging a bit more challenging, often requiring creative solutions to test your app.
Platform Lock-In: With Bubble, you can’t export your code to use elsewhere, meaning you’re “locked in” to the platform. This shouldn’t be an issue if you plan to keep your app within Bubble.

No-Code Design Tools

You might have already used no-code design tools without even realizing it. Many modern website builders like Webflow, WIX, and Shopify fall into this category because they let you visually build sites while handling the CSS code for you.


Figma is essential for no-code designers. You can design entire interfaces for apps, websites, and even graphics without any coding.


Webflow is one of the most popular no-code website builders today. Whenever clients ask, I always recommend Webflow because it’s the best-equipped no-code website builder. It offers:

Extensive Templates: Start projects quickly with a variety of templates.
Strong Community Support: Get help and inspiration from a large user community.
eCommerce Capabilities: Build online stores easily.
SEO Features: Includes all the general SEO features you need.

For new projects, there’s no need to spend thousands on a site. You can create a quick, templated one with Webflow to start validating your idea. Webflow also hosts a significant number of Fortune 500 websites, second only to WordPress. I generally advise against using WIX or SquareSpace due to their limited options and customization capabilities.

Other No-Code Tools


Zapier is a no-code workflow automation tool that helps you automate events. For example, you can set it up to send an email each time a Stripe customer makes a purchase. Zapier integrates with most apps on the market, though not with Twitter/X due to recent API changes.


Airtable is a no-code database management system. Think of it as a more powerful Excel, allowing you to create and manage multiple data types, making it a great replacement for traditional spreadsheets.


Retool is a no-code/low-code platform for building custom internal software. It’s especially recommended for enterprise-level customers who need internal management tools.

What Can You Do with All These No-Code Tools?

The fantastic thing about no-code tools is that, with the right education, anyone can become a skilled developer. These tools have evolved so much that you can build most complex applications without writing any code. Here are the most common uses:

1. Designing Websites and Interfaces: Create professional websites and user interfaces quickly and easily.
2. MVPs (Minimum Viable Products): Develop MVPs to test market interest without a huge investment.
3. Complete Mobile and Web Apps: Build and host entire mobile and web apps using no-code tools.
4. Internal Tools for Businesses: Create custom tools for managing business operations.
5. Freelancing: Offer your services to others who need MVPs or internal tools.

How to Learn No-Code

Free Resources

If you’re self-motivated and enjoy exploring on your own, free resources and official documentation are excellent ways to learn no-code. Major no-code tools offer in-depth documentation and beginner videos on their websites.

Bubble Academy: Official Bubble videos
Webflow Academy: Official Webflow videos
Figma for Beginners: Official Figma documentation

Among these, Webflow’s official academy is considered the most comprehensive guide.

Paid Courses

Since no-code is still a technical skill, paid courses offer structured, in-depth learning. These courses often have over 10 hours of content for each tool, making them ideal if you’re fully dedicated to mastering no-code tools.

No Code Pathways: Covers most major no-code tools comprehensively through self-paced online courses.
100DaysOfNoCode: Offers a time-based no-code bootcamp with live cohorts, perfect if you prefer learning with others.

Combining Resources

You can also combine official documentation and YouTube tutorials to teach yourself. This approach works well if you’re self-motivated and good at connecting concepts.

Everybody Should Learn No-Code!

There’s no reason not to learn the basics of some core no-code tools to broaden your skill set as an entrepreneur. Even if you don’t create the next wildly successful SaaS application, having direct experience with tech products is invaluable, especially if you want to focus on web-based businesses.

No-code tools can also be a great way to earn side income through freelancing. There is high demand for Bubble and FlutterFlow users to quickly create MVPs, thanks to the faster development speed compared to traditional coding.

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